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Common Teleport customizations

Enable video streaming, embed on your website or set schedules

Written by John Goode
Updated over a week ago

Feeds can be customized to meet specific use cases, such as live viewing with video streaming and minimal storage use or favor historical recording and time-lapse video.

Here are some common customization scenarios with steps on how to configure.

Enable live video streaming or video clip

  • Enable video streaming by going to the 'Status' dashboard on a feed, select the video streaming and/or the video clip addon and save.

  • Now in the 'Live stream' tab, make sure the stream is enabled and connected.

  • If using Teleport Station app on Axis or Azena cameras (or a Windows/Linux PC) configuration is automatic. Otherwise configure the RTSP/SRT source for the video on the same page.

  • In the 'Capture rate & schedule' section we can also select how long the stream runs for after all viewers have stopped viewing. A shorter time saves bandwidth but means that the initial start-up time on a stream is slower for the first viewer.

Change the recording schedule

  • To configure this, go to the 'Live image' section on the feed and in the 'Capture rate & schedule' section select the desired schedule.

  • Schedules are managed account wide and shared amongst feeds. To create a custom schedule, go to the account wide dashboard, then come back to the feed and select it. Note, currently you will have to refresh the page to have the new schedule show up.

  • Change the 'Capture interval' or 'Record interval' as needed, below screenshot shows a capture rate (for live viewing) higher than the permanent record rate (historical record). More on this below.

  • To have multiple schedules, each with different rate settings, hit 'Add'. Schedules lower of the list override those at the top.

User a different schedule for image and time-lapse video

  • Changing the recording schedule under 'Live image' on a feed, changes the schedule for both image and time-lapse video recording. This is because time-lapse is always generated from the recorded images.

  • First make sure the schedule for image recording under 'Live image' on a feed is larger or includes the schedule you'd like to use for the time-lapse video. For example, record images at Mon-Sun, 6am - 6pm, while time-lapse at Mon-Fri, 8am-5pm.

  • To configure the time-lapse schedule, go to the account wide dashboard and in the 'Video profiles' section apply the desired schedule to the desired video profile.

  • Note video profiles are shared amongst all feeds that use them, (just like schedules) so any changes will automatically apply to all feeds. To make a change for a specific feed, first create a new video profile then apply that profile to the feed in the 'Time-lapse video' section. We can then delete the default profile on that feed if it is not needed.

  • Once the video profile changes are made newly recorded video will reflect the new schedule. This may take a couple hours to show up.

  • It is possible to apply the new schedule to historical images and regenerate the video. For example, have the 'all-time' video show only daytime. To do this we go to the video in the feed 'Time-lapse video' dashboard and hit the 'Re-create video set' button. Before you do this read below!

  • Important note! Regenerating videos can lead to loss of data if the underlying images are no longer recorded. By default settings do not delete images, however changes to storage limit and frame retention settings may result in images being deleted. In general images should only be deleted if we don't plan to re-generate the time-lapse videos (most importantly the 'all time' video.) And in it is an important project even then it's not recommended as an image based backup is always good to have.

  • As an example, deleting most or all images then regenerating the video will also effectively delete the video as there are few source images to rebuild the video from.

  • It is a good idea to download or export the 'all time' video locally before making profile changes.

View images live at a higher rate than images are recorded

  • As an example, this allows us to record permanently at 1 hour per image while to improve the live viewing experience, have images update let's say once a minute.

  • The benefit here is that the feed does not use any more storage, and the 1 minute updates would occur only if a viewer is only viewing, so the cameras internet connection won't use bandwidth unnecessarily.

  • To configure this, go to the 'Live image' section on the feed and in the 'Schedule' section under 'Capture interval' enter 1 min. While in the 'Record interval' enter 1 hour.

  • This will require the feed to be on the 1 min setting in the 'Status' dashboard.

  • Hit 'Save' and the settings will be automatically picked up.

Handle complex scheduling scenarios, vary capture/record interval with multiple schedules

  • Schedules can be composed together to handle more complex scenarios.

  • Use the 'Add schedule' button in 'Capture rate & schedule' section.

  • Schedules at bottom override schedules at top of the list. This allow you to poke custom 'holes' in a schedule, and then either enable or disable recording or capture during that time.

Embed the player on your own webpage

  • Embedding the Teleport player on your own website enables you to fully customize the user experience.

  • Multiple players for different feeds ban be embedded in a custom layout.

  • Embedding works just like a YouTube video using an iframe based embed code.

  • To generate the embed code for a feed, go to the 'Embed & link' section on the feed dashboard.

Rebrand/Co-brand with your own branding and logo

  • Brands are managed account wide and applied to each feed as needed. You can have multiple brands per Teleport Account.

  • In the account wide dashboard, go to the 'Brands' section and create your brand along with custom logos.

  • Now on each feed dashboard, in the 'Brand' tab select the new brand. Browsing to the feeds profile page you will see it take on the new brand.

  • The profile page below shows an example of a rebranded profile page. Branding also works with embedded players on your website.

Create a collection of feeds

  • Collections allow you to manage custom groupings of feeds.

  • Each collection has is own profile page that makes it easy for viewers to see all the feeds in the collection, while hiding other feeds that may be on the same Teleport Account.

  • Collections just like feeds can be shared as a group, making it easier to give a group of people access to a specific set of feeds.

  • In the 'Collections' section create a custom collection and add feeds to it.

  • Use the 'Profile' link to view the profile page for that collection.

  • In the 'Share' tab on the collection you can make the collection public, or share via email address (requires login) or share link (works just like a OneDrive or Google Drive share link).

    Example collection profile page with multiple feeds and rebranding

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